Champion Chapter est une série de défis axés sur l'engagement des membres que les chapitres peuvent relever pour une reconnaissance nationale. En complétant les activités ci-dessous, les chapitres accumulent des points. Les chapitres peuvent accumuler des points dans les sections ou en participant aux 5 sections. Les chapitres champions sont reconnus aux niveaux suivants :
Chapitre Bronze Champion : 2 000 à 2 999 points
Chapitre Silver Champion : 3 000 à 5 999 points
Chapitre Gold Champion : 6 000 à 8 500 points
Tous les chapitres champions gagneront une bannière pour la salle de classe/l'espace de réunion du conseiller ou un cas de récompense scolaire. .
Total de points : 1 500
Summer Starter (August 1 - September 30)(Completed) 1. Elect local officers and plan an officer training session (Upload an agenda for the training session) (500 pts). 2. Develop a Chapter Program of Work for the fall with at least 3 recruitment activities (200 pts). 3. Produce an idea for a community service project (100 pts). 4. Write cards or emails to members over the summer encouraging them to join again in the fall (100 pts). 5. Review the FBLA Sponsorship Toolkit and then prepare a target list of at least 5 potential sponsors (100 pts). 6. Set up a communication channel between local officers and members (100 pts). 7. Create a survey for your returning members to capture feedback about what was successful, what was not, and what opportunities they would like to seize in the year ahead. Then, draft a 1-page memo to your advisor on your findings (100 pts). 8. Develop a chapter T-shirt design (100 pts). 9. Review the 2022-23 Competitive Events Guidelines at a chapter meeting and create a sign-up sheet for members (100 pts). 10. Develop a letter to invite guest speakers for meetings during the membership year (100 pts). 11. Create a Member of the Month program (100 pts). 12.Prepare a chapter budget for the membership year (100 pts). Total Points: 1500
Shaping Success (October 1 - November 10) 1. Submit membership dues for 10 paid members (500 pts). 2. Create a project plan for a recruitment day that focuses on increasing chapter membership (200 pts). 3. Buddy up! Encourage members to connect returning FBLA members with a new member. Plan at least one fun "buddy" activity (100 pts). 4. Organize a special outing for FBLA members to a business, professional sports game, or amusement park (100 pts). 5. Host an FBLA Chapter Spirit Day in which all members show up to school in either FBLA shirts or in blue and gold; and post a photo to one of your social media outlets. Do not forget to tag @fbla_pbl (100 pts). 6. Using the letter you developed in Summer Starter, secure a guest speaker for one of your chapter meetings (100 pts). 7. Prepare a letter to send to one of the sponsors on your contract list created during SUMMER STARTER (100 pts). 8. Create a Community Service Project Project Committee (100 pts). 9. Meet with your officers and review your Program of Work (100 pts). 10. Hold an informational meeting for prospective members (100 pts). 11. Have one of your officers prepare and record a one-minute video elevator speech about the benefits of joining FBLA (100 pts). 12. Review your budget, identify areas of financial need, and plan a fundraiser (100 pts). Total Points:
Service Season (November 11 - December 31) 1. Celebrate American Enterprise Day by planning an activity (500 pts). 2. Host a thank-you-note-writing event for members to write letters of appreciation to a group of hometown heroes of your choice, such as first responders, veterans or senior citizens (200 pts). 3. Lead a community service event based on your planning in SUMMER STARTER and SHAPING SUCCESS (100 pts). 4. Accumulate a total of 10 hours of community service (100 pts). 5. Host an in-person or virtual business tour for members (100 pts). 6. Host a competitive events study night (100 pts). 7. Identify an area of need in your community and host a critical needs drive. Example: sock drive, food drive, toy drive (100 pts). 8. Present a workshop to a middle school FBLA and the importance of servant leadership in business (100 pts). 9. Meet with your officers and review your Program of Work (100 pts). 10. Send a thank-you note to all your sponsors sharing how their contributions have impacted your chapter this year (100 pts). 11. Review the FBLA Resource Center and Identify a resource from your own chapter to submit for consideration in 12. Research Center library (100 pts). 13. Have 1 member volunteer to help your advisor with chapter management tasks (100 pts). Total Points:
CTE Celebration (January 1 - March 1) 1. Review the FBLA Week Planning Guide and decide as a chapter which events you will participate in (500 pts). 2. Review the Public Policy Toolkit, have your officers or members complete a PSA, flyer, bulletin, display, or video blog about the importance of career technical education (200 pts). 3. Ask an elected official to sign an FBLA Week Proclamation (100 pts). 4. Prepare a report about your community service project that you planned through the CHAMPION CHAPTER program (100 pts). 5. Have at least one member participate in an FBLA Week forum or panel and submit one question (100 pts). 6. Plan a social activity for your chapter during FBLA Week (100 pts). 7. Have at least one member share their story on social media during FBLA Week (100 pts). 8. Sponsor a teacher/advisor appreciation activity (100 pts). 9. Give a presentation about CTE & CTSOs at your school to your administrators/school board (100 pts). 10. Prepare a memo to your school administrators alerting them to the number of competitors your chapter plans to send to regional and/or state conferences (100 pts). 11. Invite an FBLA alumnus or community business leader to speak at a local chapter meeting (100 pts). 12. Connect with a FBLA collegiate member to join your meeting and talk about the FBLA experience at the college level (100 pts) Total Points:
Champion (Deadline: May 1) 1. Complete Connect Ten. 2. Have at least 2 members complete a level of the BAA. 3. Participate in Lead4Change. 4. Invite a national officer to virtually attend a chapter meeting. 5. Attend the National Fall Leadership Conference. 6. Participate in the Stock Market Game. 7. Bring a non-FBLA friend to a meeting. 8. Plan an activity for the March of Dimes. 9. Write a letter to middle school graduates inviting them to join your FBLA chapter for a special meeting. 10. Register for the 2023 FBLA NLC. 11. Participate in the Virtual Business Challenge or the Virtual Business Personal Finance Challenge. 12. Advisor Bonus: Log In to the Leadership Community and share an accomplishment from your chapter that others can benefit from. Total: